As of Fall, 2010.

For more information, please log onto FlashLine (Click FlashLine login at the upper right corner of the page) --> My Courses (second tab) --> Vista Single Sign on (at the top of the left column under tabs) .


PHY 13001, 13002  General College Physics I, II

Physics, 4th Edition, by Walker

ISBN-10: 0321541634

ISBN-13: 978-0321541635


Need to register at for homework.



PHY 13021, 13022  General College Physics Laboratory I, II

Handouts given in class


PHY 21430  Frontiers in Astronomy

Astronomy Today, 6th Edition, by Chaisson and McMillan

ISBN-10: 0132400855

ISBN-13: 978-0132400855


 PHY 23101, 23102  General Univeristy Physics I, II

Understanding Physics, 1st edtion, by Cummings et. al

ISBN-10: 0471370991

ISBN-13: 978-0471370994


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